Colour Allergy Tracker

Our cutting-edge software platform to record, track, and manage client allergy alert test results with ease.

Swift Results

Experience the benefits of a quick, reliable, and easy-to-use allergy alert system

Know Your Skin, Love Your Skin

you can effortlessly monitor your patch test results, discover how your skin responds to various products, and make informed decisions for your skincare routine. Our user-friendly interface provides you with a digital skin diary, so you never forget what works best for you. Welcome to a world of personalised skincare, where your well-being is the priority. Get ready to embrace confident, comfortable, and safe skin. Your journey begins here!

Here is How You Can Elevate Your Business with

Colour Me Safe

Your Safety, Our Priority:

At Colour Me Safe, we're dedicated to providing you with innovative solutions that redefine safety standards in the cosmetics and beauty industry. Our core offering is an allergy alert test kit designed to safeguard your well-being when using hair and cosmetic products.

Stay Tuned for the Next Revolution:

We're continuously evolving our packaging solution to make your experience even better. Keep an eye out for our upcoming feature – an enhanced packaging design that combines functionality, safety, and convenience like never before